Katerina Antonopoulou
DiplArch(NTUA), MSc (University of Edinburgh), PhD (Newcastle University)
Lecturer in Architectural Design, University of Liverpool
My research examines the role and agency of digital mediation and representation in the way urban space is perceived, used, and produced: how the design of virtual environments raise questions on the material and immaterial conditions that define our existence; how mediated representations of the public space of the city shape the perception of the place itself and attribute new meanings to its physical entities; how the architecture of the displaced and the way this is represented becomes a city-making activity and a laboratory for alternative forms of living and working together; how different representations of the refugee crisis make visible the spatial and material conditions of displacement and inform the design responses to the crisis; how the multiple recordings of the protesting crowd reveal the space of politics in the city.
My current work operates at the intersection of design-led research and posthuman theory to explore how images and videos of the protesting crowd can devise drawings to re-compose the city and its public spaces in new ways. Against the top-down perspective of traditional cartography, the maps produced here emerge through the multiple views of the people from the ground of the city and as captured by their mobile cameras. As a new space of politics reveals itself through this process, the urban as a fixed entity gives its place to a series of spatial negotiations, contradictions, and tensions.
From 2010 to 2015 I taught architectural design and theory in both undergraduate and postgraduate levels at the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape in Newcastle University and from 2013 to 2015, I was the programme leader for the MA in Architectural Design Research, a post-professional, research-focused design degree, which often worked as a preparatory course for the PhD by Design programme. From 2015 to 2018, I taught architectural design and theory in the school’s BA, MA and Master of Architecture (MArch) programmes and I also supervised undergraduate and postgraduate dissertations at the Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture. Since I joined the Liverpool School of Architecture (2018), I taught design in the MA and MArch programmes and contributed to the theory courses in the school and from 2019 I am the coordinator of the first year of the MArch.
Digital Cultures and Crisis Athens
Postdoctoral Fellowship, ESALA, University of Edinburgh (2016/17)
From Digital Creations of Space to Analogous Experiences of Places: Living in Second Life and Acting in Flash Mob
PhD Dissertation, APL, Newcastle University (2013)
MSc in Advanced Architectural Design, ESALA, The University of Edinburgh (2008)
Diploma of Architecture, School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens (2006)
© city|speculations 2020